You can use any plain-text editor to edit or create scripts/configs, such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on OS X. Some editors are better for this than others. See Editors for Scripts.
For information on writing scripts, see:
Sample Configs/Settings[]
Sample config files. Config files are defined as .cfg files that are mostly about applying settings, though they may also include special commands and keybindings.
- Config: Default - The default config file from Urban Terror
- Config: Default Server - The default server config file from Urban Terror
- Config: Jump Mode - Settings and special keybindings for jump servers
- Config: Nexu's - An extensive config & script setup. Includes comments describing what many of the game's settings do.
- Config: Ultra-low - Super low settings for maximum performance
- Config: Single Player - Play offline with bots
See Urban Zone Player Configs for more examples.
Sample Scripts[]
Sample scripts. Scripts are defined as .cfg files that are mostly about individual commands and keybindings, though they may also include applying settings.
Weapons/Gear Selection[]
Scripts that help the player get and use weapons
- Script: Gear/Loadout Selector - Quick change of player's gear/loadout
- Script: Key to Drop Flag OR Select Bomb - One key to drop the flag in CTF, or switch to the bomb in Bomb Mode
- Script: Knife wheel - Allows you to select weapons with mouse wheel, including the knife
- Script: Sensitivity - Adjust mouse sensitivity
- Script: SPAS Auto Reload - toggle auto reload on/off for SPAS
Scripts that assist in movement, or move the player.
- Script: Crouch Toggle - Push to crouch, and again to un-crouch
- Script: Dance - Silly movement script
- Script: Speed Toggle - Change walk/run/sprint
Scripts that assist in zooming.
- Script: Zoom - Various zoom scripts, like hold-to-zoom and zoom without a scope
Scripts that create special radio binds.
- Script: Flag Directionals - Key to call left, right, middle, etc. for flag exits and flag carrier incoming.
- Script: LOL - Sends "random" colored message "lol" to team chat.
- Script: Radio Bugfix - Includes a script that allows users to re-write every radio call's text
- Script: Say Bye - Key to say "Goodbye," "Bye," etc.
- Script: Say Hello - Key to say "hello," "hi," etc.
- Script: Smileys - Key send "random" smiley to global chat
Scripts that control aspects of the user interface.
- Script: Crosshair Toggle - Find the crosshair that's right for you by easily flipping through the options
- Script: Mini-map and Team Overlay Size Toggle - "Minimize" GUI overlays
- Script: Screenshot - Clear displays, take a screenshot, restore displays.
Scripts that don't fit other categories
- Script: Demo Playback - Script to aid in playing/reviewing demos
- Script: Drop - Select an item to drop by number keys
- Script: Medkit Drop - Drop a medkit and ask teammate to heal you
- Script: Mini Games - Play Snake/Breakout
- Script: Rage Quit - Binds a key to rage-quit with a random insult in chat
- Script: Randomizer - Adds a bit of randomness to scripts
- Script: Record Demo - Record a demo
- Script: Sound Toggle - Toggle all sounds on/off
- Script: Suicide - Script to commit suicide, should you ever want to.
- Script: Timenudger - Adjust ut_timenudge variable
- Script: Volume Control - Keys for volume up/down
- Script: Vote - Send your vote and say "Affirmative" or "Negative" over the radio
Scripts that are intended to fix specific 'bugs' in the game
- Script: Grenade Bugfix - Fix bug where player cannot use both grenade types while carrying both
- Script: Radio Bugfix - Fix bug with radio UI still executing scripts
Scripts & Configs |
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