The following is a list of all keys that players may bind to functions in Urban Terror. Basically, you can bind any key on a QWERTY keyboard except for symbols that would require you to use the ⇧ Shift key, since Urban Terror won't allow you to use ⇧ Shift as an input modifier. So, you can bind 1, but not !; you can bind [, but not {
- For more information, see Scripting Basics
Binds are case-sensitive[]
Binds are case sensitive, so binding b is different from binding B. While Urban Terror will actually allow you to bind capital letters, there is also no way to actually press them in the game; ⇧ Shift+B will simply send a key press of ⇧ Shift as well as a key press of b, not a capital B. Even activating ⇪ Caps Lock will continue to send lowercase letters.
So, if you used...
bind b "<function b>"
bind B "<function B>"
bind SHIFT "<function SHIFT>"
...and you tried to push ⇧ Shift+b to activate <function B>
, instead you would concurrently activate <function b>
and <function SHIFT>
Using ASCII Hex codes[]
Keys can be bound by their ASCII hex-code, such as 0x7e
(~) and 0x60
(`). Any additional keys not listed here can likely also be bound by using ASCII hex-codes. For example, if the hex code is 80
(⌫ Backspace), type bind 0x80 "<value>"
to bind a function to ⌫ Backspace.
List of Bindable Keys[]
To use... | ...type this | ASCII Hex Code | Description |
A | bind a "<value>" |
0x61 |
Letter a |
B | bind b "<value>" |
0x62 |
Letter b |
C | bind c "<value>" |
0x63 |
Letter c |
D | bind d "<value>" |
0x64 |
Letter d |
E | bind e "<value>" |
0x65 |
Letter e |
F | bind f "<value>" |
0x66 |
Letter f |
G | bind g "<value>" |
0x67 |
Letter g |
H | bind g "<value>" |
0x68 |
Letter h |
I | bind i "<value>" |
0x69 |
Letter i |
J | bind j "<value>" |
0x6a |
Letter j |
K | bind k "<value>" |
0x6b |
Letter k |
L | bind l "<value>" |
0x6c |
Letter l |
M | bind m "<value>" |
0x6d |
Letter m |
N | bind n "<value>" |
0x6e |
Letter n |
O | bind o "<value>" |
0x6f |
Letter o |
P | bind p "<value>" |
0x70 |
Letter p |
Q | bind q "<value>" |
0x71 |
Letter q |
R | bind r "<value>" |
0x72 |
Letter r |
S | bind s "<value>" |
0x73 |
Letter s |
T | bind t "<value>" |
0x74 |
Letter t |
U | bind u "<value>" |
0x75 |
Letter u |
V | bind v "<value>" |
0x76 |
Letter v |
W | bind w "<value>" |
0x77 |
Letter w |
X | bind x "<value>" |
0x78 |
Letter x |
Y | bind y "<value>" |
0x79 |
Letter y |
Z | bind z "<value>" |
0x7a |
Letter z |
1 | bind 1 "<value>" |
0x31 |
Number 1 |
2 | bind 2 "<value>" |
0x32 |
Number 2 |
3 | bind 3 "<value>" |
0x33 |
Number 3 |
4 | bind 4 "<value>" |
0x34 |
Number 4 |
5 | bind 5 "<value>" |
0x35 |
Number 5 |
6 | bind 6 "<value>" |
0x36 |
Number 6 |
7 | bind 7 "<value>" |
0x37 |
Number 7 |
8 | bind 8 "<value>" |
0x38 |
Number 8 |
9 | bind 9 "<value>" |
0x39 |
Number 9 |
0 | bind 0 "<value>" |
0x3a |
Number 0 |
` | bind ` "<value>" |
0x60 |
Grave accent |
~ | bind ~ "<value>" |
0x7e |
Tilde |
- | bind - "<value>" |
0x2d |
Hyphen |
= | bind = "<value>" |
0x3d |
Equals sign |
' | bind ' "<value>" |
0x27 |
Apostrophe |
. | bind . "<value>" |
0x2e |
Period |
/ | bind / "<value>" |
0x2f |
Slash |
\ | bind \ "<value>" |
0x5c |
Backslash |
[ | bind [ "<value>" |
0x5b |
Opening Bracket |
] | bind ] "<value>" |
0x5d |
Closing Bracket |
, | bind , "<value>" |
0x2c |
Comma |
F1 | bind F1 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F1 |
F2 | bind F2 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F2 |
F3 | bind F3 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F3 |
F4 | bind F4 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F4 |
F5 | bind F5 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F5 |
F6 | bind F6 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F6 |
F7 | bind F7 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F7 |
F8 | bind F8 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F8 |
F9 | bind F9 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F9 |
F10 | bind F10 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F10 |
F11 | bind F11 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F11 |
F12 | bind F12 "<value>" |
N/A | Function key: F12 |
; | bind SEMICOLON "<value>" |
0x3b |
Semicolon key |
⇧ Shift | bind SHIFT "<value>" |
N/A | Left and right shift keys |
⎇ Alt | bind ALT "<value>" |
N/A | Left and right alt keys (⌥ Option on Mac keyboards) |
^ Ctrl | bind CTRL "<value>" |
N/A | Left and right control keys |
Space Bar | bind SPACE "<value>" |
0x20 |
The space bar |
↵ Enter | bind ENTER "<value>" |
0x0d |
Enter key (⏎ Return on Mac keyboards) |
⇪ Caps Lock | bind CAPSLOCK "<value>" |
N/A | The caps lock key |
Tab ↹ | bind TAB "<value>" |
0x09 |
Tab key |
⌦ Del | bind del "<value>" |
0x7f |
Delete key (⌦ Del on Mac keyboard, not ⌫ Delete; Fn+⌫ Delete on compact Mac keyboards) |
⌫ Backspace | bind BACKSPACE "<value>" |
0x08 |
Backspace key (⌫ Delete on Mac keyboards) |
⎋ Esc | bind ESCAPE "<value>" |
0x1B |
Escape Key |
⎉ Pause | bind PAUSE "<value>" |
N/A | Pause key |
Scroll ⇩ | bind SCROLLOCK "<value>" |
N/A | Scroll lock key |
⎙ PrtScr | bind PRINT "<value>" |
N/A | Print screen key |
⇱ Home | bind HOME "<value>" |
N/A | Home key (Fn+← on compact Mac keyboards) |
⇞ PgUp | bind PGUP "<value>" |
N/A | Page up key (Fn+↑ on compact Mac keyboards) |
⇟ PgDn | bind PGDN "<value>" |
N/A | Page down key (Fn+↓ on compact Mac keyboards) |
⌤ Ins | bind INS "<value>" |
N/A | Insert key |
⇲ End | bind END "<value>" |
N/A | End key (Fn+→ on compact Mac keyboards) |
← | bind LEFTARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Left arrow key |
↓ | bind DOWNARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Down arrow key |
→ | bind RIGHTARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Right arrow key |
↑ | bind UPARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Up arrow key |
№ ⓪ | bind KP_INS "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 0 |
№ . | bind KP_DEL "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: . |
№ ① | bind KP_END "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 1 |
№ ② | bind KP_DOWNARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 2 |
№ ③ | bind KP_PGDN "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 3 |
№ ④ | bind KP_LEFTARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 4 |
№ ⑤ | bind KP_5 "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 5 |
№ ⑥ | bind KP_RIGHTARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 6 |
№ ⑦ | bind KP_HOME "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 7 |
№ ⑧ | bind KP_UPARROW "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 8 |
№ ⑨ | bind KP_PGUP "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: 9 |
№ / | bind KP_SLASH "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: / |
№ * | bind KP_STAR "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: * |
№ - | bind KP_MINUS "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: - |
№ + | bind KP_PLUS "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: + |
№ Enter | bind KP_ENTER "<value>" |
N/A | Numeric keypad: Enter |
Left Click | bind MOUSE1 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 1 (left click on right-handed mouse) |
Right Click | bind MOUSE2 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 2 (right click on right-handed mouse) |
Middle Click | bind MOUSE3 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 3 (middle click) |
Mouse button 4 | bind MOUSE4 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 4 (auxiliary mouse button 4, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 5 | bind MOUSE5 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 5 (auxiliary mouse button 5, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 6 | bind MOUSE6 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 6 (auxiliary mouse button 6, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 7 | bind MOUSE7 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 7 (auxiliary mouse button 7, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 8 | bind MOUSE8 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 8 (auxiliary mouse button 8, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 9 | bind MOUSE9 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 9 (auxiliary mouse button 9, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 10 | bind MOUSE10 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 10 (auxiliary mouse button 10, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 11 | bind MOUSE11 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 11 (auxiliary mouse button 11, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 12 | bind MOUSE12 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 12 (auxiliary mouse button 12, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 13 | bind MOUSE13 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 13 (auxiliary mouse button 13, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse button 14 | bind MOUSE14 "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse button 14 (auxiliary mouse button 14, usually only on specialty/gaming mice) |
Mouse Wheel (up) | bind MWHEELUP "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse wheel (up) |
Mouse Wheel (down) | bind MWHEELDOWN "<value>" |
N/A | Mouse wheel (down) |
Scripts & Configs |